Viet Thanh Nguyen

Masterplanning. Urban Design. Architecture.

Surplus Public Sector Land Site Transfer, Homes England, Stafford

May 2019

Viet was the masterplanner for a development on a publicly owned site of 16.2 ha. The scheme illustrated how of up to 430 homes could be delivered with a mix of housing from 1B flats to 5B houses. The masterplan had to respond to the wider development and transport context that was uncertain at the time, and allow for the southern parcel of different ownership to function independently. As consequence, Viet worked closely with the in-house transport team who proposed a new roundabout to the south.

Surface flood risks were present accross the site which would be accommodated by 1 ha of Sustainable Drainage Systems. It would also provide 1.9 ha of Public Open Space with equipped areas for play (460 sqm.) and teenage facilities (300 sqm.).