Viet Thanh Nguyen

Masterplanning. Urban Design. Architecture.

Four Ashes, Crest Nicholson, Solihull

January 2019

Viet designed Concept Plans and an Illustrative Masterplan to promote land off Four Ashes Road, Solihull, for residential development.

The Concept Plans focus on the subject Site of 30 ha but also includes wider areas of land to illustrate how a large planned urban extension to Dorridge could be brought forward with wider benefits for new residents and local stakeholders.

The Illustrative Masterplan has been informed principally by the Site’s Green Belt context and known development constraints and opportunities, in particular the existing Ancient Woodland, mature hedgerows and tree planting, which provide the basis of a strong landscape framework. The net housing area is 16.8 ha and yields 580 homes. The site layout has also responded to existing and proposed new vehicular accesses, adjacent sensitive commercial enterprises and the amenity of local residents.

A network of linked green spaces and a SuDS system is proposed through the Site, much of which will be designed to be multi-functional. 8.5 ha of areas are proposed for informal and formal public open space, including a range of children’s play areas. It is also envisaged that a “trim trail” will encircle the main central space and nearby retained hedgerow loop to encourage health and fitness.

The majority of existing mature trees and hedgerows will be retained and new trees and woodland planted within the Green Infrastructure network.